Certified Organic Black Chia Seeds Biji Chia Organik 100g
Netto 100g
Kemasan pouch plastik
Negara asal Mexico
Biji Chia memiliki antioksidan, protein, omega-3 asam lemak esensial, serat diet, kalsium, besi dan magnesium.
Cara mengkonsumsi:
– dimakan langsung
– dicampur dengan minuman (air, jus, smoothies, dll)
– dapat ditaburkan di atas buah, salad, sup atau nasi
– dapat dicampurkan dengan adonan roti dan kue atau resep makanan lainnya
First used by the Aztecs, chia seeds were the main component in their daily diet. In Mayan’s language, chia means “strength” and was considered as an energy-giving superfood.
Chia seeds have more Omega-3 than salmon,
Powerful source of protein,
High in antioxidant and dietary fiber.
Chia seeds can be eaten raw or prepare in a number of dishes like your favorite smoothie, topping for your juice, yogurt, cereal, salad and all-time favorite CHIA PUDDING when soaked in water, milk or almond milk. It can even go along with your daily meal without affecting its original flavor.
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