Mozzy Spray Natural Mosquito Repellent Anti Nyamuk CAHAYA NATURALS
netto 100ml
Kemasan botol plastik dengan spray
Constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Fear not! Keep mosquitoes away with this natural mosquito repellent.
The mixture of pure citronella, lavender and peppermint oil creates not only a pleasant smell but also a natural repellent to mosquitoes and other insects.
No SLS, parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, dyes, formaldehyde carriers and mineral oil.
How to Use/ Cara Penggunaan
Shake well before use.
Kocok dahulu sebelum digunakan.
Spray evenly onto your skin and clothes.
Semprotkan ke kulit dan baju Anda.
Repeat every 2-3 hours or as needed.
Ulangi pemakaian setiap 2-3 jam atau sesuai kebutuhan.
Avoid spraying on eyes and open wounds
Hindari area mata dan luka terbuka
For external use only
Hanya untuk pemakaian luar
Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Contact your local doctor if irritation persists.
Hentikan pemakaian bila terjadi iritasi. Hubungi dokter bila iritasi berlanjut
Be cautious if you have sensitivity to any ingredients in this product.
Hati-hati pada kulit yang senstitif pada bahan yang terkandung dalam produk ini.
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