Granola Bites Coconut Banana 125g – East Bali Cashews
Net weight 400g --> dihitung volum 700g
Crunchy clusters of puffed Balinese red rice, deliciously creamy wild harvested cashews, and everyone’s favorite couple, coconut and banana, all sweetened to a treat with natural nectar tapped straight from the lontar tree.
19.5I / 9.5W / 24.5H cm
Shelf Life 18 months
gula tebu, kelapa (13.5%), beras merah, KACANG MENTE (11.5%), pisang (8%), kolang kaling, minyak kelapa (7%), sirup lontar, santan (3.5%), jus jeruk nipis, garam laut, sirup singkong, rosella, perisa vanilla. Mengandung: kacang mente, gandum (oats)
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